Saturday, April 18, 2009

Record Store Day, April 18, 2009

The Sound Cellar is celebrating Record Store Day by firing up The Buzzard* and playing classic rock all day. The record store has been an important part of my life and it's a real kick to have a special day to enjoy and acknowledge the independent record store. With the advent of digital madness, history has forgotten how record stores were responsible for providing music of all genres for public consumption thereby spreading culture and entertainment throughout our communities. Life would not have been the same without The Record Store.

*The Buzzard is an homage to the long gone WNAP, Indianapolis.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Shauna Burns

We have added cuts from Shauna Burns excellent new CD EP Anamnesis to our Over Easy program (6AM - Noon, Sundays and 5AM - 8AM Monday thru Friday).

For a limited time you can download the first cut from
Anamnesis, "Smell" at this link.

For additional information head over to our Featured Artists and Albums website.